Hey guys.
I currently own 2 of the original WDTV players (ver 1 and ver 2) and am looking to buy a WDTV Live Hub Media Player. The 2 players I have are still working very well and, in fact, are probably the best pieces of electronics |I’ve bought for many years. As with most things, support is starting to suffer and it’s time to move on to what I hope is a better player. Could someone please answer the following questions for me:
1. Does the WDTV Live Hub Media Player support chapters in MKV files and, if so, are they selectable while the movie is playing or do you have to go to an option screen as in the older version?
2. I’ve seen a few threads about the Does the WDTV Live Hub Media Player being quite slow. The original player can be slow under certain circumstances (eg cataloguing a large disk) but I’ve learned to live with it and usually don’t even notice it now. How slow is the new player compared to the old>
3. Has anyone identified any compatability issues using HDMI 1.4 with a TV that is only HDMI 1.3?
Many thanks in anticipation,