From time to time, eg. when I’m traveling for an extended time and don’t need to remotely access MyCloud files, I want to shut down the drive…
A few times I have just pulled out the power plug (making sure I wasn’t writing/reading anything…) - but I think this might be a bad / potentially harmful practice…
I’ve noticed on the MyCloud web login home page that there is a drop down called Shutdown.
Am I right to say that when I do power down my unit that I should click on this Shutdown and then I can safely unplug the power ??
It is generally a good idea to issue the shutdown command; either via the My Cloud Dashboard, the WD QuickAccess/software, or via SSH before pulling power to the My Cloud. Users of the v2.x firmware currently do not have a Shutdown option in the My Cloud Dashboard.
I turn off the WD Quick View. I click on the icon of the left mouse button and choose from the drop beams WDMyCloud, and in the second window, you can see a line OFF. The second line from the bottom. Regards Robert
Ja wyłączam przez WD Quick View. Klikam na ikonę lewy przycisk myszy i z rozwiniętej belki wybieram WDMyCloud, a w drugim oknie widać linijkę WYŁĄCZ. Druga linijka od dołu. Pozdrawiam Robert Przepraszam jest napisane w języku POLand