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I know that there are a lot of posts writen about this topic stil I am struggeling to get it done.
When setting the MyCloud on port 9080 and 9443 and a static IP192.168.2.51, that is outside my DHCP pool for the other computers and printers on the LAN. looking with a port scanner to I cannot see the ports 9080 and 9443 as open. is that normal? and when using virtual server rules (belkin router) to open the ports the same on my router ports not open but closed. I am a novice here so all help is welcome.
Yes, this is normal. On your local network, the NAS keeps the ports 80 and 443 to work. When a connection comes from the outside though, on the ports 9080 or 9443 of your router WAN side, your router will forward the traffic to your NAS on the corresponding ports.
Make sure you have set up the port forwarding in the router, and that you have specified in the NAS which ports your have setup.
Yes, this is normal. On your local network, the NAS keeps the ports 80 and 443 to work. When a connection comes from the outside though, on the ports 9080 or 9443 of your router WAN side, your router will forward the traffic to your NAS on the corresponding ports.
Make sure you have set up the port forwarding in the router, and that you have specified in the NAS which ports your have setup.
looking at the settings does it make sense to you?> Still no>
After having so many problems after first buying the My Cloud, thinking the problems were on my end, even though they were from the wdmycloud servers having problems, I thought I would help you on this problem I was actually having for a while after I finally got the relay connection to work, but not the port-forwarding.
I was setting up port forwarding to have the Global Port Range be 8080 - 8080 and the Base Host Port for that be 8080 for the unsecure ports and the Global Port Range be 8443 - 8443 and the Base Host Port for that be 8443 for the secure ports.
This is incorrect. The correct way to set it up is like this.
Global Port Range 8080 - 8080 and Base Host Port 80
Global Port Range 8443 - 8443 and Base Host Port 443
By changing the Base Host Ports to 80 and 443 the My Cloud was then able to have a direct connection. Apparently it always uses ports 80 and 443 on the drive, you just have to pick new ports that you want to use that you then route to those ports on the drive.
Maybe I was being silly for setting it up the way I did at first, and we are supposed to know that the ports it actually uses never changes. I don’t know, but if you are making the same error I did, I hope this helps you.
Setting port forwarding is not necessary to enable remote access. If you don’t set it, the WD servers will act as relay for the traffic going to your NAS in a secure way. If you set it, the WD servers are still used to track “where” you NAS is on the Internet, and the conntection is still protected by SSL, but there are fewer hops to go through, therefore you should get a slightly better performance.
Wagebot, your pictures were not showing up last time I posted, but I can see what you need to change now. Change your private ports to 80-80 and 443-443, then it should work.
One thing that should be remembered, is do not ever use port 9000 for anything, because I have found out that port 9000 is used for the Twonky server settings. I am sure there are other ports used for other configurations, but the Twonky server is the only one I have found out about so far.
Typically your router uses external port 443 for secure remote access to the router (not the NAS) if you enable it on the router.
Unless you have a web server, you don’t need to open the external port 80 either.
If your have forwarded the internal port 80 of your NAS to the external port 8080 (let’s say) of your router, and the internal port 443 of your NAS to the external port 8443 of your router, these 2 ports should be open.
If you use the external ports 80 and 443 to forward to your NAS, this might conflict with the router use of these ports as described above.
You don’t need to open the external port 21, which is FTP. Some routers have a built’in FTP server (to access a disk attached to the router for example).
If you need to access your NAS with FTP from the outside, you will need to forward the internal port 21 of your NAS to some external port as well, (8021 for example, or external port 21, if you don’t need this port for your router itself).
For the NAS to work OK, you need to forward some external ports to both internal ports 80 and 443 of the NAS. Your picture below shows that the external port 80 is closed.
Typically your router uses external port 443 for secure remote access to the router (not the NAS) if you enable it on the router.
Unless you have a web server, you don’t need to open the external port 80 either.
If your have forwarded the internal port 80 of your NAS to the external port 8080 (let’s say) of your router, and the internal port 443 of your NAS to the external port 8443 of your router, these 2 ports should be open.
If you use the external ports 80 and 443 to forward to your NAS, this might conflict with the router use of these ports as described above.
You don’t need to open the external port 21, which is FTP. Some routers have a built’in FTP server (to access a disk attached to the router for example).
If you need to access your NAS with FTP from the outside, you will need to forward the internal port 21 of your NAS to some external port as well, (8021 for example, or external port 21, if you don’t need this port for your router itself).
For the NAS to work OK, you need to forward some external ports to both internal ports 80 and 443 of the NAS. Your picture below shows that the external port 80 is closed.
I’m trying to stream video from the NAS to my ipad with VLC and Vidon players outside of my home network but to no avail. I haven’t been able to get clear directions on this, everyone seems to have a different opinion or approach to this…
DNS 1 and DNS2 and DNS3 (if any) is taken from your router. These are the domainname servers (external IP addresses from your ISP, you find in your router).
If you have done all this and still does not work (make sure you have internet connection, 3g etc) then if your router has a firewall disable it. Make sure you enable firewall on your PC.
when using ftp (non lcoal network, from uotside)
Your ftp server will be your external IP address (your router external ip address it got from your ISP), the ftp client needs