I usually hook up my TV live at home with hdmi to my hdmi enabled tv and no problems.
Love my HD TV live. However I have arrived in my vacation rental and discovered that the tv I have had no hdmi input.
What a disaster as I have only brought a hdmi cable with me.
However I can try and purchase cables. So can someone please advice me what to buy?
The other output options from the WD as I’m sure you know are “optical”, “av out” and “Y Pb Pr”.
Th Inputs I have available on the TV are “S-VIDEO”, “COMPONENT pR pB and Y” “S-VIDEO” SCART and DVI (Which I believe will not work with the HD TV LIVE).
Already I have tried to purchase a hdmi to SCART convertor in local stores and none available.
So this is not an option. I looked at HDMI to DVI and I believe the HD TV Live does not support this.
So what do I buy to get this to work?
There is a black rectangular thing for converting SCART to white/red/yellow and S-video if this helps.
Hope someone can help?