Permissions issue with NFS mounted MyCloud

FIrst off let me say I think this is a LInux issue and not a WDMyCloud issue, but I’m not sure, so here goes…

I can rsync my stuff off the  Linux systems on my LAN to back them up into a WDMyCloud share, no problem.  But then I can’t get at some stuff with limited file permissions, when I mount the WDMyCloud via NFS.

Here’s the problem…  Let’s s say my directory tree on the WDMyCloud looks like “/shares/Stuff/L1/L2/L3” where the permissions on “L3” look like this:

drwx------+ 3 fred share 4096 Jul 1 01:03 L3

It’s readable/writeable only by “fred”.  I want to preserve the permissions and ownerships on everything, so if I have to do a restore and “rsync” it back onto another machine they’ll go back the way they were when I backed them up.  I can see the contents of “L3” if I “ssh” into the MyCloud, *but* I *cannot* see the contents of  “L3” if I try to look at it via the NFS mount - I get

ls: L3: permission denied.

If I change the permissions on it, e.g.

drwxrwxrwx+ 3 fred share 4096 Jul 1 01:03 L3

then I can see the contents of “L3” just fine.  So it’s just the fact that via the NFS mount the MyCloud NFS server (Or something?) won’t give me access to it unless the permissions are open, even logged in as “root” on the machine where the MyCloud is NFS mounted.

I tried creating “fred” as a user on the MyCloud *and* made sure the numerical UID and GIDs were the same on the Linux machine and the MyCloud - No dice.

I haven’t tried everything in the world yet (I haven’t tried rebooting the MyCloud to see if some server hasn’t picked up the changes to “/etc/passwd” or whatever ; there’s something called “idmapd” that I guess I should look into…  Etc.)

But I thought maybe somebody here might have run into this or have a bright idea?

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Hi there,

I have not tried this, but lets see if another use can share some information or tips on this matter. 

I had some problems, and I modified the /etc/exports file to meet a little more my needs

This is the content of it:

/nfs/jffs *(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)

/nfs *(rw,all_squash,sync,no_subtree_check,insecure,crossmnt,anonuid=999,anongid=1000)

The first line/share allows to change the permissisions and uid below them when you monted on your machine

The second one I maped the anonuid to the uid my user has on the wd (999) so when I mount a share on the machine everything is write with that used id

If you modifes the /etc/exports file remeber to run after you edited the command “exportfs -a” to refresh the changes

Hope this help with your problem

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Yes.  Thank you.  I’d forgotten about that NFS mount control file (/etc/exports).

I just clobbered the problem by changing the original line,

/nfs *(rw,all_squash,sync,no_subtree_check,insecure,crossmnt,anonuid=65534,anongid=1000)

/nfs *(rw,no_root_squash,sync,no_subtree_check,insecure,crossmnt)

thereby defeating a whole bunch of security stuff no doubt…  but at least the UIDs and GiDs are out of the picture and I can see everything on the share when it’s mounted on my desktop Linux system.

 I noticed there’s also a “/etc/exports.ucf-dist” file on the WDMyCloud…  anyone have any idea what’s up with that?

Thanks again…

2022 and still there is no way to fix this via the web interface. So ssh still needed. Really annoying.