No light on front of MyBook Live Duo after HDD replacement

Hi, following the recent issues with the My Cloud services, I will no longer use my MyCloud Home Duo NAS drive. I have worked in IT Support for more than 40 years and I was never a fan of ‘Cloud’ services anyway. I have now reverted back to my MyBook Live Duo, however, one of the disks has failed. The HDD failed a number of years ago and when I reported it to WD, they advised I purchased on of their MyCloud Home Duo, instead of replacing the drive. As I no longer wish to use the MyCLoud Home Duo, I have transferred all the data onto the MyBook Live Duo. I managed to get an identical replacement 2Tb WD20EARX-00P green drive and replaced the faulty drive. The unit then booted up fine and the RAID protection was completed after about 24 hours. All tests completed without any issues. The problem I have is that there is no longer a light showing on the front of the unit. The red light shows when I first power on, but then goes off. It is not the end of the world, but I would be interesting to know why the light is not on.
Thank you.

Further to above, the blue light has just come on in the last hour - nothing has changed as far as I can see, so fingers crossed all is now OK !!

Hmmm - blue light just gone off - obviously something not quite right. Drive is seems to be functioning fine though - RAID all OK and file access from my Windows laptop.

Just re-read the user guide - the blue light is on when the unit goes into ‘sleep’ mode. The light goes out when I access the unit - I think it should go green, but the only lights I get are red when first switched on and blue when in ‘sleep’ mode.


Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:

Hi Keerti_01, thank you for your reply. I had not logged a support call due to the age of the MyBook Live Duo and it no longer being supported. I will now log a call as you suggested though.