No Devices Available - MYCLOUD

Initially when I set up MYCLOUD I could log in to Shared only via, which was better than nothing.

Whilst chasing settings so I could into other parts of the drive I lost all now access. Now I get Error message:

No devices available
Please notify the device’s owner (or Admin User)

Firmware Version : 2.30.165

Settings General

Cloud Service On

Your ISP is not blocking port 443
Your ISP is not blocking port 80

Port forwarding connection established.

At one stage, I lost network access, but found how to get it back via this community. Thanks.
Would like some advice re. re-establishing access via please

Try turning cloud access off and then on again.

The MyCloud cannot cope with changes to your global IP address, which might happen if your router reboots; it continues to report that a connection is established, but it isn’t…

Thanks for reply.

Turned cloud access off and then on again.

No difference. Still shows “No devices available” etc

Can you try the mobile app, and see if that can see the device?

Try connecting local to your network first, then delete the association, turn off wifi, and enable mobile data, and try connecting via mobile data.

Phone Windows Mobile. No app. Cannot get in using mobile data. Could when first setting up mycloud. Now all I get is “No devices available”

Ah. Windows Phone… No, that won’t be a lot of use…

Used that to access via previously but now won’t

Have you tried the obvious reset of MyCloud? Running out of suggestions here… I haven’t used in ages., using the app instead, and now offline because of unresolved vulnerabilities.

Maybe you know someone with a phone you can borrow?
(Just offering a 2nd set of eyes here to confirm you’ve thought about all possibilities).

Good luck.

[quote]No devices available
Please notify the device’s owner (or Admin User)[/quote]

Have you changed your credentials? It appears that login used by you is not the device owner’s login.

Can you connect using local IP address of mycloud?

Thanks for suggestion. Will borrow an Android.

Maybe I have changed credentials, don’t know how and what. Can log in OK within my network using internal network IP address

Are you following the instructions in chapter 8 of the user manual? You can re-send the remote access authorisation email (to yourself, the admin user).

Yes, that got me back in. Many thanks.

I can view the public folder, but nothing else

My dashboard Settings are:

Set Up Users

Admin (me)

Share Access

Public – Read / Write (Greyed out)
SmartWare - Read / Write
TimeMachineBackup - Read / Write

I would like to view Smartware and TimeMachineBackup (although empty at present)

Advice appreciated.

WD removed remote access to those folders, for reasons best known to themselves… They’re only accessible locally.

Not being a TimeMachine or Smartware user, I don’t know if you can point either of them at a share of your own creation, and have them use those shares. Which might then mean you could access them remotely…

Or even rename the existing shares, using the Dashboard…

Thanks for that. Didn’t know about WD removing remote access

This forum can’t cope with more than one solution, so by marking my last reply as the solution, you’ve ‘broken’ the solution to your original problem…

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