I had to re-enter my VUDU account information , no biggie
Still having an issue with my folder.jpg not appearing. I have a folder for Movies and TV Shows and a folder.jpg in each of these folders and the only one that doesn’t show up is the one in the movies folder. I have replaced the .jpg with the same one that works in the TV Shows folder but it still doesn’t show up. It shows the metathumb for the first movie in the movie folder, so i have to rename my folder.jpg to AAfolder.metathumb and then it shows up. The update didn’t fix this issue.
I have several MKV files i’ve rippped from my discs and they all play except 1 and was hoping this update may
address that but this update only addressed other file format playback issues. Here is a link to the movie’s
Again, I totally see why the OS sorts the data like this, but for a media center this is not user friendly at all. Are there any fixes planned or workarounds?
An easy fix would be to still sort tagged episodes by their filenames instead of the new tagged content title.
A fix for this issue was announced in 3.09.18 (Resolved TV Shows content info is incorrectly sorted.), but nothing changed!
In order for us to effectively review the issue you are experiencing with your WD TV, can you please asnwer the following questions below?
- Which firmware? 3.10.09 - What happened? - What were you doing? - Does this happen every time? - What hardware and media were you using? - Did this happen with previous firmware? - Does power cycling the unit solve this? - Does resetting to factory defaults solve this? - Have you tried this on other devices?
My wdtv is screwed now after this update. Its stuck on the wdtv live hub screen saying loading and the light on the front of the unit flashes. I cannot see the internal hard drive on my network any more
I have tried resetting and powering on and off the unit but I cant even roll back the firmware as I cant get to this screen.
I can’t get into Netflix either., have two buttons “Try Again” and “Exit” and to visit www.netflix.com/tvhelp yet my internet connection passes on the hub and i can access my Netflix via my DVD player so it’s not an account issue.
Aside from being bumped out and couldn’t log back in. The new FW still has the ‘sticky’ subtitles when viewing Netflix streaming. I’m rolling back to 3.0.6.
I rolled back to 3.0.6 and the Netflix error is stuck with the old fw. Can’t log in! All the while Netflix works normally through my TV but ot seemed like this new FW had corrupted my device.
Hi - are there any plans to support CEC on this? I thought I read somewhere that CEC is supported on the WD TV Live and was hoping to get that supported on the Hub as well.
Hi - are there any plans to support CEC on this? I thought I read somewhere that CEC is supported on the WD TV Live and was hoping to get that supported on the Hub as well.