New public share

Hi,  I have created a new share on my MyBook duo, and a private share, now every time i want to acces the public share i get asked to fill in my network password, how can i resolve this issue?

It’s a problem with your Windows. You will have to search the internet for the solution. It is not somethig that is beign caused by the MBL.

Tirinium wrote:

Hi,  I have created a new share on my MyBook duo, and a private share, now every time i want to acces the public share i get asked to fill in my network password, how can i resolve this issue?

You need to check for what permissions were added to the share you created.

On my new public share i got the following groups:




All with only the special permission added.

Giving the everyone group all rights, does not change the behaviour.

The private share has the same rights.

The default Public share has added the group Mybookliveduo\nobody

However this group cant be added to the new public share.

Any other solutions?

Problem still not solved, i have 2 public shares, with no password and 1 share with password, both require a password to connect to the drive however.

An update to this,  a PC which doenst have the dashboard installed can acces the 2 public shares without a password, and get acces denied on the private drive. the pc with the dashboard needs to fill out the user name and password to connect to all drives  each time (Both public and private.) i want it to work like this: Public folders accesilbe, private folder requier password.