New mycloud not waking up

Ive have my cloud for 5days now and every morning I’m having to turn it off and back on at the plug as when I try to access it via my laptop or phone I can not get it to wake up. Turning power saving mode off its all good and works in the mornings but I want to keep it on as I do not want it running all of the time. Could some one help please? Also is their a safe way of powering down the device apart from the plug when I can’t get access to its system due to it not waking up? Thanks

Is this the My Cloud device you have?

If it is, do you know if it is a 1st generation or 2nd?

Use this link for more information on the My Cloud.

yes that is the cloud i have. not sure if it is a gen 1 or 2 though how would i find this out?
I am running the lastest firmware 2.30.165
I have had a quick look through the manual (P/N: WDBCTLxxxxxxx-10, FW 02.xx.xx) but could not find anything i could have done wrong :neutral_face: .
Once the cloud goes into sleep mode i can not access it via the http://mycloud control panel, my phone app, the app on my laptop or the network folder. I just dont have any access to it at all unless i unplug it and plug it back in.


I know you have done power cycles, but have you tried a 4-second reset? Power cycle does not do a reset (somewhat oddly…).

If that doesn’t work, try a 40-second reset (rest whilst applying power). aka system only restore; see the manual for the details of these resets.

The Dashboard is normally at http://wdmycloud

You can also use the IP address (find it out from your router).

Your problem might also be network related; an IP address conflict, perhaps?

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