Hi, I’ve been having a vexxing issue getting my network drive set up with my 2nd laptop. My primary computer is connected and working just fine with the drive via wireless router and direct connection. My 2nd laptop is having more trouble:
running windows 7 64 bit, and WD smartware and WD setup both do not detect the drive. here’s the kicker- every other indication on this computer shows the drive is connected and working properly. Norton shows it on the network map, and its fully visible and usable on windows explorer. if only windows 7 home premium supported network drive backups i would just use that, but it doesn’t so I’m stuck with WD smartware. nothing I try seems to get the software to detect the drive. i’ve uninstalled and reinstalled, restarted the drive, and attempting updating the SES driver as recommended by windows alert center- none of which bore any success.
what am I missing???