Netgear WNDA3100v2

WD should consider to add the support for Netgear WNDA3100v2 wireless adapter. I noticed that many WD TV Live Hub owners have that adapter but they cannot use it because it is currently not supported. WD, provide us with good news on that topic soon. Thanks.

Hi there

I would recommend to you to post this on the Ideas section, so the WD people can see your request

We are looking at supporting this, however, I won’t really be able to provide an update past this.  Please make sure you post in the ideas lab as advised above, and pending our decision, we will mark as planned, or un-planned, etc.

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As of now your not supporting it right then you need to update your support list and not have on netgear wnda3100 the box does not tell you what version you are buying

zeus13 wrote:

wnda3100 the box does not tell you what version you are buying

NetGear publishes the difference on their website.

You can tell by its appearance which one it is.