Netflix yet again

hi all… this is proberly a question that have been spammed all over but im gonna ask yet again just to get a clear answer.

Netflix have recently been released here in Denmark.

I own a WD TV LIVE hd media player box bought in europe, denmark with number : WDBAAP0000NBK-01

firmware: 1.06.15_V

Can it be used for netflix? no popup in menu yet and no firmware updat avaible

just called netflix support who told me that they run on all WD TV LIVE products and their site links for WD TV LIVE products soo what to do and is it entirely possible?

thanx in advance

Absolutely not.

The WDBAAP0000NBK is the WDTV Live HD.

It will never support NetFlix – anywhere.

NetFlix is only supported (In various locations) on the WDTV Live Streaming Media Player (NOT the “HD” which you have), the WDTV Live Plus, and Live Hub.

aight… ty for fast reply and givin me piece of mind… Neflix should educate their customer support then… :wink:

guess ill go buy another hardware…

Sure. But WD also has a problem with marketing their products as able to support Netflix. Hou have to look very carefully to find the limitations. I have just bought the WD TV LIVE HUB friday because I read several afticles sayingit did support Netflix; I was toldby the salesmanthat it did support Netflix; I read that it suported Netflix at the companys webshop, and at (danish website like but specializez in hifi gear). I have beentoldnow - by two different supporters at Netflix that this box will be able to support Netflixvery soon. But after a lot of googling and further reading in this forum I can see that this device will not be able to support Netflix. So please WD - make this very clear at your website - its hidde in a note under the productspage now - and communicate this issue to hour dealers and businesspartners. Your renomee is bad allready - do not make it even more bad.

I will get my money back tomorrow I hope…

well Netflix used to be on it…
and it says so on this page to:

i want it back… i also live in denmark and Netflix is hitting the marked big time right now… and i would like to keep my WD Hub and not have to go get the apple tv… :frowning:

ChristineG wrote:

well Netflix used to be on it…
and it says so on this page to:

No it does NOT.

On that page, when you look at Online Services, and then select EUROPE, NetFlix is *NOT* shown.


NetFlix is shown ONLY under US / CANADA.

ChristineG wrote:

well Netflix used to be on it…
and it says so on this page to:

i want it back… i also live in denmark and Netflix is hitting the marked big time right now… and i would like to keep my WD Hub and not have to go get the apple tv… :frowning:

I think the whole confusion about US and EU models could have been solved easily by WD if they did use two different names for the models where the differences/limitations/features for the specific models was presented in the productinformation and website etc. It could be like “WD TV Live Hub - EU” and WD TV Like Hub - US" or something like that. By using the exact same name for the two different models they just make a lot of trouble for themselves = frustrated customers.

I have used a lot of time on this already and do not wanna use more time - only if I got payed for it :wink:

If I was CEO at WD I would seriously consider hiring another marketing bureau AND try to listen more to the customers. This issue about the limitations on the EU model has a long history all ready in this forum, which WD obviously do not read and seem to ignore. WD could have reacted on all the stories from this forum about the issues in UK etc. for months ago. But nothing has happened. The WD TV Live Hub is still being sold in Denmark as supporting Netflix, because WD have not made a distinction in their marketing material between the EU and the US model. So they are all sold with the US features - NOT the EU limitation described. As customer you trust the information in the webshop and national websites and do not necessarily check the vendors site for further information. So sad WD - you are loosing a lot of customers on this…Better luck next time.


after some diggin it appears that ppl around here in Denmark are able to use their WD for Netflix anyways…

quoting: Den nyeste generation af WD Live TV bokse (model: WDBGXT0000NBK) understøtter Netflix (ud-af-boksen).
Det kører i hvert fald fint her.

WD TV Live (3. generation)


but anything else from WD is no go :laughing:


 info from :

so gues im gonna try that…

thanks for the tip/link… im gonna go have a look…

and for the other ppl postnting, that Netflix has never been on WD HUb live here in denmark… well i have had the HUB for almost 2 years now and it has been there… i have seen it… but never ysed it… because at that point i didnt know what it was :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Be glad you are in Europe. Take peace of mind that you will not struggle with attempting to watch a movie on Netflix with the WDTV live

ChristineG - The netflix service icon may have appeared on your hub but you would not be able to use it In Denmark as it does not work. We have the same problem in the UK.