Need to replace all HD's in EX4100- Can I use 6TB Red Plus HD?

I currently have an EX4100 that has 6TB model WD60EFRX-68MYMN1 hard drives In it and they are no longer made. The replacement drive that I have found is a WD Red Model WD60EFAX. However this model is also very difficult to find. So my question is, can I use the WD Red Plus Model WD60EFZX drives? These seem to be the only ones that I can find. Thanks


Are you using OS3 or OS5? Look in the community for the correct sub-forum for your device and post there where people with more knowledge about your device may be able to help.

Thanks for the advice. I am using OS5. I actually received an answer from support today. They claim I am able to use the WD Red as a replacement for the old drive that is no longer made.

I ordered four of them today in case I have to replace all of them, but I am going to try to replace the bad one only like they said if it will work. the old drive only has 64K of cache, and the replacement drive has 256K of cache.

This flies in the face of them saying that the drives must be identical which is why I went ahead and purchased four replacements in the event that replacing only one would not work. Worst case is I will have three spare backup drives.

Thanks again.