Need some help with unbricking single bay gen2 MyCloud 3TB

I have spent 3 days, 8h+ each to figure out procedure.
unfortunately I’m unable to fix my drive. I have followed certain steps no luck so far.
procedure with 2nd gen usbrecovery.tgz doesn’t work for me as I’m getting red led and 0% when uploading latest official firmware.

anybody successfully recovered wdbctl0030hwt-10 tp My_Cloud_GLCR_2.30.165.bin firmware?
maybe I need to use different sizes of the partitions?

these steps are not working for me somehow

Alternative way:

Use Debian/ubuntu or any other linux distro (USB/CD Live image)

All “/dev/sda” change to your disk! (List disks in system: “parted -l”)

If this is new disk or damaged (formatted) old, recreate partitions first:

parted /dev/sda
mklabel gpt
mkpart primary 1049kB 2149MB
mkpart primary 8591MB -1MB
mkpart primary 7517MB 8591MB
mkpart primary 2149MB 3222MB
mkpart primary 3222MB 4296MB
mkpart primary 4296MB 6443MB
mkpart primary 6443MB 7517MB
mkswap /dev/sda1
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda3

Download and unpack files from WDMyCloud/WDMyCloud-Gen2/Developing: uImage-wdrecovery and uRamdisk-wdrecovery

Write it disk:

mkdir /mnt/boot
mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/boot
mkdir /mnt/boot/boot
cp uImage-wdrecovery /mnt/boot/boot/uImage
cp uRamdisk-wdrecovery /mnt/boot/boot/uRamdisk

Hi QQryQ,

Unfortunately, this is a restricted information which we are not authorized to provide to any of our customers.