Hi there.
I’ve had a 3TB MyCloud for about 2 years now, and never had a problem. Last week, I had a split-second power outage, and somehow, it messed up my MyCloud completely.
The web interface still works, however it shows the drive has a total of only 734mb, and 80mb free.
I found a few methods here on this site using SSH to log in and try to solve the issues, but low and behold, after trying and trying for a few days, I cannot restore my data.
I’ve decided to give up, and now, I just want to restore the whole thing to default and just reformat the drive completely.
How can I go about this using SSH?
Actually, I’ve decided to completely give up on the MyCloud and go with Synology. I have a DriveBay coming in, and I’d like to use the WD RED 3TB HD from my MyCloud. Is this going to be possible at this point? Any way I can just restore the hard drive alone to factory default, just make a nice, fresh, blank hard drive?
I’d hate to toss a perfectly good 3TB hard drive (if it is actually still useable)!