MyCloud STILL not working!

WD MyCloud service still down?

It’s been quite a while now with no changes.

Have to ask you WD, any progress on fixing things?

Any benefits for WD in fixing things?

As it stands I’m looking to retrieve my data from my drive and move to another Cloud service that works.

You have posted in the OS3 My Cloud subforum. The OS3 My Cloud is end of support and had support for the web portal and OS3 mobile apps disabled over a year ago.

If you have an OS5 single bay My Cloud you should see the dedicated subforum for that device:

OS5 My Cloud

One can regain remote access to their My Cloud device by setting up remote access to their local network using VPN or similar. One can search the internet for various DIY guides that explain how to setup a VPN server on their local network or if their router supports it, enable VPN server within the local network router.