All of sudden, my OS 3 app on my iPhone8 lost the ability to access MyCloud drive? It simply says unable to connect to my device (that is not true. I can still access the device by typing the IP directly).
I know I need to upgrade to OS 5 but isn’t it true that OS 3 should continue to work within my home network???
Now the app doesn’t even have the option to add MyCloud drive back.
I believe the app uses WD servers to access your drive. Any function that requires WD servers (on a Gen2 single bay mycloud) is kaput. I think the the Gen1 devices will work till April.
If you can access the drive using a browser or some file manager app. . .that should work on your home network (or remotely if you are linked to your home network via vpn)
(Note: I have always found the OS3 app to be a bit flakey in terms of finding devices. . …so I can’t speak with authority)