For nearly a year i use a Mybook connected by USB to a Mycloud for updating a safepoint. A few times there was an minor error.Now recently i cloud not acces a certain folder in the safepoint to check if the safepoint-update did his work correctly. Their was no way i could acces. At least i disconnected the Mybook and connected it directly to a laptop and still i could not acces the folder. At the end i cleaned the disk by formatting (quick) (NTFS). So the disk is empty but i cannot connect it to Mycloud. USB does not recognize the Mybook. Several times i made a restart of of the mycloud. ( power off, reboot in the menu and with or without the connect Mybook) I have to say that this happend in a few days after the firmware update. Can someone give me any suggestions how to solve this problem.
Issue can be closed. Their was a bad connection between de USB3-cable and Mybook. I noticed that usb2 at the laptop was fine but USB3 was not working.
Good to know you were able to determine a possible cause for the issue, hope this can help other users with similar issues.