MyBook connection to MyCloud

Hi all

I have a 1TB My Book, somewhat a legacy item, and am thinking of getting a 2TB My Cloud. If I do that, can I use the MyBook as a backup through the USB cable. I know the MyBook has a USB pport. The question is wehther it can act as a Sharepoint backup.


>>>The question is wehther it can act as a Sharepoint backup.

I have a 3 TB MC and have a 4 TB My Book always connected - works just as one would expect; safepoint is set to update automatically at 3am and works great.

I have returned mine twice now.  The first one jumped offline at about 48 hours and would not reconnect to my network until I unplugged the MyBook from the USB port.  It also would not change from DCHP to Static and stay where you selected until this very recent firmware update.  The second one repeated this after 12 hours.  The third would not complete a system scan for the first three or four times I tried to run it.  It was then running for days with a very old Maxtor on the USB port but when I ejected it and replaced it with a MyBook, it started scanning and scanning the MyBook.   I have disabled the Media Streaming and it reports that Media Scanning is idle but it is not.  This is really frustrating they work without anything on the USB orthwerwise but I specifically bought it to run my old MyBook esential on the USB port.  I assumed it was the old MyBook’s fault and have since also purchased a brand new MyBook with no better results.

But everything seems to be working to one extent or another as long as you never connect the MyBook to the USB.

everytime I have connected the MB to MC, the MC stops working.  I have disconnected the MB permanently.

Hello. I have had the same problem. I just created an account in the Community today. I have a MyCloud 2 Tb drive and a MyBook 5 Tb drive. Both work fine alone but as soon as I plug the MyBook into the MyCloud via the USB port, they both freeze up until I unplug everything and reboot the drives. I have contacted WD’s customer/tech support every year or two for the past 4 or 5 years but I get the same response that the MyBook and MyCloud drives should work when paired.

When I connect other USB based storage devices (WD Passport drive, USB flash drives) to the MyCloud drive, those devices are seen by MyCloud and are available to me.

Has anyone found a solution since the original posts in this thread?