MyCloud Ex2 can't authenticate by FTP

I’d like to access some of my NAS folders by remote, to do it i got a public static IP.

Then i opened the doors 20 and 21 for FTP both on the NAS and the Modem.

Everything works fine, with a computer outside the LAN i can connect to the public IP and I will be redirect to the NAS, but there is a problem.

I didn’t allow anonymous access to it, so the NAS require some credentials.
I thought that the credentials where the same you can manage from the users page on the dashboard, so I set the access to a folder only for some users.

When i get the connection from windows file explorer it requires me the credentials or to access anymously.
If i put the credentials it ask me again for credentials but it woun’t allow me to access.

Because you are using an EX2 you should see the dedicated EX2 subforum where users more familar with the EX2 may be able to assist or where there may be past discussion similar to your issue (use the forum search feature, magnifying glass icon upper right). This subforum is generally for the single bay My Cloud units.

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