MyCloud 4TB won't go into Energy saving mode

I found alot of topics regarding this problem, but all of them are older then a year.

My Cloud 4 TB which I just bought yesterday, does not go into energy saving mode. In my opinion the HDD spinning is cleary audible, and the LED is blue. Nothing changed in 8 hours of doing nothing.

My settings:

  • Cloud Access (Remote Access and USB Content Availability) both turned off
  • Energy Saver (Drive Sleep and LED) both turned on
  • Mac Backups TIme Machine turned off
  • Language and Clock NTP-Service turned on
  • Network Mode DHCP
  • Media Streaming turned ON
  • iTunes Server turned off.

Firmware (Up-to-date): v04.04.01-112. Last update. 2015/12/12 9 PM

I mapped a network drive on my PC. And I got a WDTV on my network.

Everything was turned off - except MyCloud, and MyCloud didn’t went into sleep mode. Any idea/fix for this?

Update: I exported my config file:

network_mode="dhcp" timezone="Europe/Amsterdam" ntp_enable="enabled" ntp_extra="" email_enabled="off" email_recipient_0="" email_recipient_1="" email_recipient_2="" email_recipient_3="" email_recipient_4="" auto_fw_update="enable 0 3" ssh_enable="disabled" hdd_standby="enabled 10" ftp_enable="disabled" workgroup="WORKGROUP" itunes_enable="disabled" media_server_enable="enabled"

Do a search on the My Cloud check the box for search “My Cloud” category using the following:
sleep order:latest


Well I did this, but there are plenty threads, and I’m not going to do some stuff on the clouds-os, because this is a basic function which should work.

If there is any specific thread about it what services need to be disabled or whatever to use this, I’d appreciate a little hint which thread your aiming for.

Some thoughts;

Turn off Firmware AutoUpdate - who knows how often the device decides to check for updates?
Turn off NTP - again, who knows how often it wants to check the time?

And, do you have any DLNA devices on your network that may be polling for connections (e.g. TV’s)? That might wake up a sleeping cloud. You could turn off Twonky server and see if that changes the situation.


Earlier today I disabled Media Server and NTP and it went to sleep after the default time of 10 minutes. I just disabled it again and it’s actual rebooting. I’ll do a test right now.

Turning off Media-Server and NTP seems to work. For testing, I did hdd-sleep after 1 min. because I don’t got more time to play around. I shutdown mycloud and work on it tomorrow.

I bought a WD TV, but why some devices which are turned off would connect to it 
 im actual shocked. Didnt expected some trouble like this with a WD product.

Edited typos.

Once a day

The Media Server can be fine-tuned by uisng its own web interface on port 9000, http://WDMyCloud:9000 for example.
Take a look at the preset scanning time. “-1” means permanently. You can set this field in minutes, e. g. 120 means an content scan every 2 hours. If you don’t update the media library folder that often, you can even set much higher values.

first: are these devices really OFF? I guess “No, they aren’t off” but in Standby which may keept the ethernet still active.
Second: what devices are these? The My Cloud with enabled server reacts on communications, therefore as long as some others always ask the My Cloud, the My Cloud is not allowed to “go to bed”. Especially multimedia streaming devices are known to talk like “Gossip Queens” in the network. The My Cloud device as server and the media server has to answer each request, even if it is a simple “who is” paket.

The Media Server can be fine-tuned by uisng its own web interface on port 9000, http://WDMyCloud:9000 for example.

It can, but WD advice is that the Twonky UI is for information only, and not to be used for changing the behaviour of Twonky:

That’s because WD doesn’t ‘play nicely’ with Twonky. But it can be overcome:

DLNA does tend to ‘chatter’, to see what devices are present on the network.

For what reason the Twonky UI shall be used then if not for fine-tuning it? Whatever changes are made in the UI afffect the way Twonky is working. OK, the settings are not yet ‘nicely’ stored but what you call "play nicely’ is in focus. I do know what you mean :wink:

I never knew this. I’ll take a look on this.

You’re right, Standby is the word.

I will post all detailed informations as soon as I’m home. In 2 hours I’m at home and able to deliver more detailed informations. So far, thanks alot for your help.

I did a first reading of your links
I take a look on those timer duration of rescanning, but if it’s pretty low, what should I take. I mean it would be sad if I copy a file onto my Cloud and need to wait an hour till the next rescan is done. On the other hand, rescanning every 15 minutes is useless too 
 hmm, I need to look on this.

Besides I talked to a mate which got the MyBook Live, he didn’t got any of those problems at all. He got a media-server too, and he just setted up the book on the “main-website-configuration”.

Like I said, I’m at hom ein 2 hours to provide more detailed informations.

Twonky should take a lesson from minidlna. Minidlna does not scan for new files. It uses a notification scheme. When a file is added minidlna is notified and adds the information to its database.


Since I’ve had my MC I’ve found several reasons that it would not sleep. The first problem was that samba was writing a file called browser.dat. Another problem found was that the root filesystem was not mounted with the noatime and nodiratime options. So everytime would access a file the atime would be updated. Which would cause a journal entry to be written. This writing of the journal entry would keep the disk from entering standby. Another sleep problem is that when the system wakes up to run different cron jobs. The files that would normally use would not longer be in cache. So as soon as the disk would enter standby would need to bring one of the programs that was no longer in cache causing a disk read. Thereby the 8 second sleep. Just recently I ran into a problem where samba was modifying the /etc/samba/smbpasswd file at least once a minute. This stopped the system from entering standby. You can tell if this is happening by doing an ls -l /etc/samba/smbpaswd. If the date listed is close to the current date and time then samba is updating this file. I would do an ls -l on this file and every minute it would change. Before I could look into this problem it stopped.


As far as I know from Twonky, it does behave as written. As soon as the file system has finished the writing, this event enables Twonky to start the scen (if -1 is choosen as scan time). This is what the German engineer of Twonky told me some time ago.

Why does it have to scan if it know what file has been added?


Because Twonky is not able to know what has appeared.
Any indexing service is yet not able to use any hypnotic transcendence right now

It looks like minidlna has the hypnotic ability. It get notices about changes to files in folders that it is monitoring. So when a new file is added to a folder that it is watching. It gets a file created notice. Its a nice feature. No need to scan 10,000 files when one file is added.


I don’t know: maybe you should ask your WD colleagues who kludged Twonky into the MyCloud and wrote that ‘Answer’
? The one I linked to above, that says:

The Twonky UI port 9000 provided by the WD device is to allow end users to verify if the Twonky service is active or not. Any modifications to the share settings using the Twonky service UI are not supported by WD. Please be aware that WD NAS UI settings takes precedence over the Twonky UI settings.

I do use the Twonky UI to fine tune the behaviour of Twonky, but I also take measures to stop the MyCloud breaking those settings every time the media server is turned off/on, or the MyCloud reboots.

I’m not sure that the media server is the OP’s problem; I have the media server running, and a number of DLNA client devices sleeping (rather than off). My device seems to sleep.

What I noticed so far is: Turning on NTP only, works fine. Turning on Media Server doesn’t. HDD-Sleep Timer is actual 3 minutes. After 3 minutes I see the hdd getting quite LED is flickering for standby, but shortly after those 3 minutes it turns on again.

My twonky seetings for interval rescanning is -1

  • WD TV
  • Toshiba Regza 40SL733
  • My Win 10 PC Not connected neither to the WebUI or via network

I don’t think rescan intervall is the problem. I changed it to 60 minutes, and I still have the same behaviour as posted some minutes ago. WDC is going into sleep, flickering 2 times then starting again

I noticed cloud access is turned off, but since I installes the app once on my phone, I got:
Cloud devices for admin Get Code My Cloud Connected

I uninstalled and rebooted my smartphone.