My Passport Password Encryption AND BitLocker?

Hi everyone. I just had a quick question. I have a few My Passport/My Passport Ultra portable hard drives and I have configured the built-in password encryption for them, so when the drive is plugged in you have to use the WD Unlocker and enter the password first.

My question is, can I also enable BitLocker on the entire drive as well in ADDITION to the WD password encryption? That way I have to enter the WD password, then enter the BitLocker password to unlock the drive? Would that work fine? Or would it cause a problem using both WD encryption and BitLocker encyption at the same time?

Hello, I have never tried this, logic dictates that having two different software encrypting the drive will have issues as they might be incompatible to work at the same time.

Hmmm, interesting. Let me ask, from my understanding, the WD drive is already encrypted right out of the box…adding a password just replaces the clear key, is that correct? If so, for those who use BitLocker without the WD password, they would be essentially encrypting it twice as well, even if it only asks for the BitLocker password, correct? If that is the case, I figure it would work okay asking for both passwords since the drive already comes encrypted? But at the same time, I don’t want to try it on my drive and corrupt something with my files on there.