My loud ex2 ultra drives both failing

Mycloud unit is now out of warranty and in the process of loading new files I suddenly got a warning that drive 1 was predicted to fail. I ordered a new drive and installed, asked to format (shocked that it formatted BOTH drives) and then started to reload all my backed up data. With RAID1 option.

Within 2 days the system is telling me that drive 2 is now failing and must be replaced.

Is that a built in obsolescence once the unit is out of warranty? These replacement drives are very expensive and WD is no longer producing reliable kit.

Why am I having such trouble with this system which is used as a home server for storing and accessing data (not even used to stream videos) on a low demand basis?

Before I spend any more money…should I ditch this and go to another platform from another manufacturer?

Any guidance from those having similar experiences?

Thanks in advance for any help.

If you have an EX2 Ultra running the OS5 firmware, you should see the dedicated subforum for the EX Series.

It appears this OS5 subforum is generally for discussions on a different device, the single bay/single drive second gen (P/N “-10”) My Cloud.

Okay, do you not read what the person rights. They are clearly speaking about failed drives, relatively at the same time, once out of warranty on the EXT Ultra. They are NOT talking about, as you state: “It appears this OS5 subforum is generally for discussions on a different device, the single bay/single drive second gen (P/N “-10”) My Cloud.” Yes, a different device, so why promote a link for a device that is not the EX2 ultra the poster is speaking of?

Did you not read the very first sentence of my reply post? Here let me post it again; “If you have an EX2 Ultra running the OS5 firmware, you should see the dedicated subforum for the EX Series.” What is the title of this discussion post? “My loud ex2 ultra drives both failing”

Unlike the EX2 Ultra, the single bay My Cloud does not have an official method of replacing drives that go bad or that can be upgraded. Nor does the single bay have/use RAID1 drives. Hence the reason why I pointed the OP to the EX Series (of which the EX2 Ultra is a member of) subforum. The OP will likely get better support from other users in a subforum that discusses the family of devices which theirs is a part of.

WD has chosen to try and separate the user to user support discussion on OS5 into various sub classes of devices, rather than have it all lumped into one “My Cloud” forum.
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