come faccio a capire se il mio My Cloud è un semplice Mirror oppure un Mirror Gen 2?
Perché se è il primo non è possibile fare l’aggiornamento.
Altra domanda, da un po’ di tempo non riesco più ad utilizzare il programma smartware che mi consentiva di accedere da remoto con il mio mac al My Cloud.
Inoltre, qualcuno ha il numero di telefono del centro assistenza?
Infine, non ho ben capito perché hanno rivoluzionato l’accesso dall’esterno e se sono registrato al servizio o meno.
Grazie a chi avrà la pazienza di rispondermi.
@kamicos, here is what I picked up from Google Translate:
Good morning,
how do i know if my My Cloud is a simple Mirror or a Mirror Gen 2?
Because if it is the first, it is not possible to update.
A: Mirror’s model # starts with WDBZVM, and Gen 2’s model # starts with WDBWVZ
Another question, for some time I have no longer been able to use the smartware program that allowed me to remotely access the My Cloud with my Mac.
A: I don’t think Smartware supported remote access. Are you referring to the My Cloud Desktop app? If so, unfortunately that app has been EOL-ed. WD My Cloud Desktop App: End of Support
Also, does anyone have the help center phone number?
A: try International Phone Numbers | Western Digital
Finally, I do not understand why they have revolutionized access from the outside and whether I am registered for the service or not.
A: Not sure if I understood the question or perhaps it’s not translated properly via Google. The My Cloud OS 5 requires user to register a new cloud access account as it is using a new infrastructure. The OS 3 cloud access account will not work in OS5.
Thanks to those who will have the patience to answer me.
First of all thanks for your answer.
My model serial # starts with: WUC…
Google translator translated well.
You have given me a great help.
So my mycloudmirror s/n also starts with “WUC”.
Found that the p/n starts wdbzvm…
so it seem that its a 1gen model.
So please let me ask if i can buy a mycloudmirror ex2 ultra empty ! box and “in a possible way” put in the 2 drives from the old mycloudmirror 1 gen?
Thanks for help!
No one knows?
No problem to change hdds from mycloudmirror gen1 into ex2 ultra. It updated the hdds to os5 and indexed but after that all data was still there on the hdds. Before that, I saved all data of the gen1 on my computer cause i thought the hdds get formatted… No need… for me it was quite uncomplicated.
In theory, its possible using “Raid Migration” but it could be risky. I’d back up the drives and then transfer the data to the new NAS.