Help this is driving me mad !!! I can’t get my iPhoto library off of the My Cloud Mirror. I cant seem to copy it through Finder on MAC or the WD APP and even not as a back-up on the dashboard using a USB harddrive connected to directly. I think it might be because you can’t usually copy an iPhoto libary and you can only move it. The back up NAS to USB keeps failing and it’s a brand new harddrive (WD) that I bought to move the library off. Unless I missing something in the settings but I have looked.
Any Ideas I can’t seem to figure this one out ???
I haven’t try this.
Let’s see if any of the users on the community can share some information with you.
It is likely that you can delete it but, given that it is very large, it SEEMS like you can’t delete it.
Try this:
Open the connected partition. Click right or Ctrl-click - move to trash. The pop-up warning will open and once you confirm it seems to get stuck deleting. Just let that run. It might take quite a while.
If your mac is set to go to sleep after a cetain period - deactive the sleep function using the “do not sleep function” called caffeinate by opening Terminal and running
caffeinate &
Once the delete is complete, in the same Terminal window write
killall caffeinate