Trying to copy iPhoto folder from USB to WD My Cloud

Hi everyone. Hopefully you guys can help me out.

I have successfully connected a USB 3.0 hard drive to our WD My Cloud drive, which is connected to a Gigabit router. The USB drive shows up in the OSX app and I am able to look at the folder structure. That is to say, until I want to copy the iPhoto folder (probably 60gb of photos and a massive folder structure) to the WD drive. I use the app for speed as per your instructions, but I have also tried using OSX finder. It just appears as if the setup grinds to a halt and all I get to see is the loading icons. Even after half an hour I see no folder structure, let alone see it starting to copy the items.

Now for the kicker: this also occurs when I try to backup OSX using time machine (all connected through otherwise perfectly running Gigabit connections). The first couple of files are done swiftly. After the first 100mb or so, the speed drops and drops until it almost reaches 0 kb /s.

I have tried several alternatives including each factory reset, but to no avail.

Any pointers?!?

Much obliged,


Hello, are you able to transfer this information to the My Cloud directly? Are you able to move a single files which is a few gigs in size?