My Cloud Home Plex Backup and Restore from Windows

Hi, I have a problem where the Plex server in my My Cloud Home loses all metadata from time to time. It looks this is a documented problem that happens often. I notice however that the Plex server makes a backup copy of the library metadata in the following folder:
/data/user/0/com.plexapp.mediaserver.smb/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Databases

However, I don’t know how to access that folder to copy and restore files from my windows interface. Can anyone help?



You could refer to the following link: Error

Did you read the article you linked? Because in no way, shape, or form does it remotely answer the question you were asked. Let’s try again: I own a device. I legally own every piece of information that my device contains. I bought this device from WD. Thus, I expect WD support to tell me directly (as in, right here in this very thread) how I obtain access to the files and folders which are mine and not yours. Things I also expect are that you don’t waste your customers’ time by linking us to irrelevant articles like above, nor do I expect you to tell me that I am restricted from access to my files and folders on my devices.

Your response should contain one piece of information and one piece only: How I am able to access the folders on My Cloud Home that Plex backs up to. Anything short of that answer is a flat-out unacceptable waste of time and a failure on WD’s part, given that losing all Plex metadata is a known, ongoing issue that is basically exclusive to the WD My Cloud Home simply because of your refusal to allow us access to the information necessary that we own (and you don’t). This thread is over a year old and I’ve checked back every few months to see if you ever got around to answering the question, which you have elected not to. That I now had to create this account to ask support to give me access to what is mine is a joke. You know what’s expected and required of you here because for years it’s been begged of you time, and time, and time, and time, and time again. (And yes, those last 3 “times” would also have links if new users weren’t disallowed from sharing more than 2 links. I guess you get to continue to conveniently avoid accountability with those.) If this sounds like the gloves have come off, that’s because we’re well past sugarcoating this: Give us real solutions or get on with creating real solutions. Anything less is you spitting in your customers’ faces.