On my WD Elements i have numeroues folders and i can check each folders files size (cmd+I). How can this be done when i log into My Cloud. (How can i see have the same amount of pictures from the folder have transfered over to My Cloud. Thanks
Are you talking about checking folder size (amount of files) when logged into the dashboard? You can not it that way. Map the Drive or Folder to your PC and check it as you would any other folder.
Thanks for your reply. Ya. Basically I have transferred my mini hard drive with 20 folders and lets say I have 300 hundred pictures in each folder. It gives me a count if I just highlight inside each folder on the mini hard drive but can’t seem to do that with My Cloud. I just want to make sure I have everything copied over from each folder
What computer do you have? Have you tried placing windows side by side and checking them. I have Windows 10 on Desktop computer. See an example image below with My Cloud to the left and This PC, (My Desktop) to the right. Number of pictures shown at bottom left. Click on, tap or activate image to enlarge it.
I am assuming you are using cmd-i within Finder on your existing hard drives (internal or external USB).
Map the MyCloud into your Mac’s file system, then it can be accessed pretty much as if it was an attached or internal HDD. Mapping network drives is explained in the MyCloud User Manual: download and read it.
Once you have a mapped drive, use cmd-i in Finder, as per any other HDD on your Mac.
I am wondering the same thing. I wasn’t using my drive for a while and I’ve moved. I’m downloading a folder and there’s just no indication of how much is there or how much longer. There used to be something on my computer.