Where is this FW? It was "released on 12-16-2019 ? All I see on the downloads is below. And my V2 does not see any updates as usual… Im left confused and wondering like always. I did a google search and a forum search.
Make sure you ARE NOT looking at the GPL link if you want the latest firmware. Often the GPL link, which is for people who want to roll their own firmware lags by one or more releases for what ever reason. Firmware 2.31.204 is showing up for me when I select “Select your Current Firmware” as evidenced by this screen cap of the single bay/single drive My Cloud:
Again make sure to select the right link, “Select your Current Firmware”, and not the “WD My Cloud GPL Source Code - Supports 2.xx.xx” link for the latest firmware.
I (as an end user of the single bay My Cloud and not affiliated with WD in any way) created that page for the v3, v4, v2 firmware links because of the high number of complaints by people looking for past firmware and it wasn’t being listed on the WD website. Those links all go to WD servers where the files are hosted. That discussion thread has since expanded to cover the GPL firmware for rolling your own firmware as well as providing other information and links.
Ahh Ha I see now. Thanks for pointing that out. So confusing. Any ideas why my v2 does not want to update ? Im on 2.31.195. Thanks again for your help. You have been here for many years helping people like me
The auto update and or check for update feature of the My Cloud Dashboard is a hit or miss for some reason. Sometimes it just will not list the very latest firmware available, and a user has to manually download the latest firmware and manually install it using the My Cloud Dashboard > Settings > Firmware > Manual Update.
Generally it’s been recommended (not by WD) to turn Auto Update off in the Dashboard > Settings > Firmware anyway and manually update when new firmware is released. This allows one to see if there are any firmware problems before updating their My Cloud. There has been at least one instance in the past of a WD firmware bricking or causing problems when the auto update feature was enabled on some users single bay My Cloud units.
I have been trying to upload the firmware for my MyCloud and the window only allows me to “click” the update for 2 seconds and then disappears. Even if I click it in time it does nothing. I also can not click the manually upload. Any ideas?
I have been trying to follow all the directions you all have been sharing for about 8 days not to no avail. Happy to try new things. I am using Big Sur on my Mac.
Try a different web browser if you can. Also disable browser add-on’s and extensions, its possible one or more of them could interfere with web page loading and file downloading.
One can manually download the single bay/single drive My Cloud firmware from the My Cloud website. Do not download the GPL versions as those are advanced users who want to compile their own firmware. Note that there are two single bay/single drive My Cloud models so make sure to download the firmware for your version. No one cannot install the second generation v2.x single bay My Cloud firmware to the older first gen v4.x single bay My Cloud.
Updating the firmware on your My Cloud
Download the firmware to your desktop.
Open the My Cloud Dashboard UI.
Go to Settings >> Firmware Update.
Under the section Manual Update, click the Update From File button and a window will open.
Browse to where you saved the firmware file and select it.
You will see a pop up confirming to upgrade your firmware, click Ok.