I have iTunes set to my MyCloud drive (under preferences>advanced, iTunes Media Folder location)
Shouldn’t iTunes automatically scan this drive and add the files to my library? I can manually ‘add to library’ on iTunes, but I thought there was a way to have iTunes scan the drive. Also when I’d add new files on the drive, iTunes should scan it and add them without me having to add them to the library each time.
It might be worth noting that I am not using the ‘public’ folder on my MyCloud device, or the preset ‘shared music’ folder. If this is necessary, how can I set up a ‘shared music’ folder for my new user I have created on the drive?
I have iTunes enabled in the settings. The files play fine if I manually add them.
Apple support told me the best way to do it was to add files in to the ‘automatically add to itunes’ folder which is created on the drive, but this seems like an awkward way of doing it. I was certain I could just point iTunes to my MyCloud and that was that… Please help!