I have a My Cloud drive set up in my home. I can access it from my work location, BUT … either because of system restrictions at work or because it’s the way it works, I can only access the files through a browser window and download the files I want to use
Here is what I want to do: I would like to have a drive at home and a drive at work and have them automatically stay in sync. At home I can open a File Explorer window and access the local My Cloud drive. I’m willing to buy another drive for my work location. What I’m unsure about is how to sync the two drives.
Can I get a “You can’t do that” or a “Here’s how” from anyone?
WD Sync will solve your problem, and you don’t need 2 drives. I do this setup also for syncing work files. Here’s what I do:
Install WD Sync on your work computer.
Have it sync your My Documents folder (or whatever folder you want to sync … I use My Docs for ease of saving/navigating on my work laptop with default save locations, etc.) Choose the destination folder to be a new, separate folder in whatever share you want.
Let the files sync.
On your home computer, make sure you have the My Cloud mapped as a network drive - that’s what I do. Then I simply open to that folder in Windows Explorer and open any files I want to edit, save things there, etc. At home you don’t need WD Sync since you are accessing the files directly from the drive.
Sorry for the delayed response.
First, thank you for your response to my question. After reading your answer several times and reading the WD Sync help a few times, I think I’ve got things set up properly to do what I want.
To recap, I want a folder on my home computer to be synced with a folder on my work computer.
To accomplish this I installed WD Sync on home computer. I did not let the install process put any folders (Docs, Pictures, Photos, Videos) in the My Cloud folder (created by WD Sync). After the install process was complete, I opened WD Sync settings and added a pairing: left side is folder A on my home computer; right side is fold A on the My Cloud hard drive attached to my router as a network drive. I did a test and indeed if I added a file to folder A on my computer, it showed up almost immediately in folder A on the network drive. So far, so good.
Today I went to work and installed WD Sync on my work computer. Using settings I paired folder A on my cloud hard drive at home (I logged in, discovered, and selected my one and only cloud drive) with folder A (yes, same name as on my home computer) on my work computer. I then created a little test file in folder A on my work computer.
I did some chores on my way home (a couple of hours elapsed). At home I looked in folder A on my home computer…no test file to be found. I looked on the network drive hard drive (my cloud) and there it sits.
It sounds like a lot of activity is taking place on the My Cloud hard drive. Many of the files on My Cloud appear to reflect changes made this morning at work (based on date/time of modification). My concern is that I changed less than 200 files (I also use GoodSync to sync with a usb drive when I make changes, carry the usb drive to the other computer, sync with that computer, so I know about how many files I changed. I created the test file after I ran GoodSync to test WD Sync). I left the office about 1pm and it is now about 8pm.
So now I wonder:
Is WD Sync copying all 6GB of files from my work computer to MyCloud, even though most of them were in MyCloud already? If so, is this a one-time thing?
What is the “sync” process really like? Is it just a copying of all or all changed files from a source to MyCloud? Does the “sync” process try to know it is overwriting and if so, does it attempt to determine which file is newer? In other words does WD Sync make any attempt to determine if a potential error is being made. For example, suppose I come home and without thinking change a file I changed at work; perhaps an Excel workbook and I make changes to one sheet at work and another at home. What will WD Sync do? Most of this is a concern about the delay in syncing. Some is based on my long experience with GoodSync.
Thanks again for prior response. Sorry for wordiness, but I feel the need to relate as accurately as possible what I have done (and why). Thanks for any additional help you can be.