Two way syncing files between computer and WD My Cloud

I have a MY Cloud 6tb Mirror drive that I use for my network drive for my files. I am buying a new computer with internal 2 TB SSD and SATA drives. I am wondering, can I move all my files to my internal drives for speed and keep copies (besides the usual backups) on the My Cloud and have them sync a couple times a day? I want to be able to access my files on the My Cloud drive from my other computer when my main computer is off and have my files on the main computer update automatically when the main computer is turned back on? What would I have to do to accomplish this? Is there an easier solution?


Note that there is a specific subforum for the My Cloud Mirror drive. Generally this subforum (My Cloud) tends to discuss issues related to the single bay/single drive My Cloud unit.

See the My Cloud Mirror Support site ( where you can download the GoodSync for WD application that will sync files between a local computer and the My Cloud line of devices.

If you do not need to sync files to a remote network My Cloud device then there are a number of third party sync programs that will sync files to a local network NAS like the My Cloud. Free File Sync ( is one such popular free sync program.

Thanks. This answered my question.