My iPhoto library is taking up a lot of room on my Macbook and I’d like to be able to put it on my EX2. But I believe I read that whatever drive has the iPhoto Library needs to be Mac OSX Extended and the EX2 is not. Am I able to reformat my external drive? What other options do I have? I’ve tried just putting a copy of the iPhoto Library on the EX2, but it is painfully slow. It takes 10+ minutes just for iPhoto to open and then I get the beachball whenever I scroll or do anything.
Maybe just your WIFI is slow. try and connect the EX2 directly to your pc and see if it continues to be as slow.
I don’t own any I’s so i can’t help you with that, but on the slow part, there could be other problems then just the EX2
I’ve tried connecting via Ethernet cable on my iMac and it is just as slow.
Does anyone else have any thoughts on this? Is it possible to reformat the drive?
Have you tried to split the iPhoto libraries into smaller ones? I had the same problem and decided to split the library by year and so far libraries up to 3GB work fine.
I am still trying to find a faster way to upload my 5GB library to test performance, but currently says it will take days, which is not reasonable.
I also read in Apple’s help center that it is recommended that the libraries to be stored locally.