iPhone App Created New Share folders in Root and Cannot Remove

Hello All,

I recently noticed that the iPhone app created new folders on my drive. I didn’t notice them before until I remotely connected through FTP. They are sitting in the root of my drive but I do not see them through the app only if use explorer or FTP I can see those folders. I have tried to delete them but to no success.

I am pretty sure the app created those folders because the names are from a project I was working on and I was using my app for that.

Has anyone had this issue come up. Or does anyone know of a way to remove them. I do not see the folders through the WD console only when I FTP or use Explorer. I get Access Denied when I try to delete them and not sure how to change access on the folders.

Please advise if anyone has come across this same issue.



Hi there,

I have not experienced this, but i would like to know if the folder was created as a new share of was this folder created on a specific share on the drive.

Hi ArMak,

I was trying to create the folder under a subfolder in my drive. As I normally do, but somehow the app must have glitched and now it created these folders on the root. I do not see them in control panel nor through the app. I only see the folders when I use FTP or through Explore.

Can anyone help?


I think your best bet would be to enable SSH from
The my cloud dashboard. Login, With supplied credentials, then as you should already be in the root folder, issue this command;

Sudo rmdir (folder name) or I think you might need to
Move to another directory.

Cd /DataVolume then cd shares
From here issue this command again

Sudo rmdir (name of folder)

Hope this helps.

What is the full folder name of the folder that was created but cannot be removed?

Sometimes the WD software apps create certain folders on the My Cloud that are needed for the software or app operation. Typically these folders may be hidden (by using a period in front of the folder name: .foldername for example) and are generally only visible when using SSH or FTP.

On a side note there are two different uses of the word “root” when it comes to the My Cloud. On one hand “root” refers to the top folder level in the firmware when accessing the firmware using SSH. The other hand “root” refers to the top level in the main Share directory from which all other Shares are created/stored on the My Cloud.

Which version of “root” are you referring to here? The root of the firmware or the root of the Share?

Hello All,

@Bennor I was not aware there were two “root” folders. So from your explanation I will assume the folders exist on the “root” referring to the top folder level in the firmware. I assume this because they do not show up under my share folders in MyCloud Shares Dashboard. Is that a correct assumption?
Dashboard: https://i.imgur.com/tXYvUOr.png
FTP: https://i.imgur.com/kIIeumZ.png
The folders I don’t want are:

  • 20150929_085314/
  • Mari_Bogran
  • Mari_Bogran_2/
  • Mari_Bogran_3/

I will try doing what @PhatTrance suggested by turning on SSH and removing the folders that way. As I am not all that familiar with Linux, how can I connect using Windows OS. Would I need to use Telnet?

Thank you all for your help.

Let me take a wild guess here; “Mari_Bogran” is the name for a USB drive you attached to the My Cloud?

If that is the case then the two other folders; Mari_Bogran_2, Mari_Bogran_3 are caused by the bug in the recent firmware that causes USB drive Share names to be duplicated. Its a well known and discussed problem in this subforum that further leads to Safepoints saved to the USB drive to become lost. The solution is to remove the attached USB drive, then delete (if the Shares/folders are empty) the extra “- Mari_Bogran_x” Shares, then reattach the USB drive and rename (through the Dashboard > Shares page> the “Mari_Bogran_x” back to the default “Mari_Bogran”.

As to your question about SSH, one can use WinSCP (https://winscp.net/eng/download.php) within Windows to access the My Cloud via SSH, much easier than trying to use Putty or similar terminal window.

Hi @bennor,

No, I did not plug in any USB. I was using the WD App on my iPhone when I was trying to add a folder called Mari Bogran. The app, I am assuming, might have created these folders. The funny thing is that it also did the same thing with my daughters phone as I was trying to backup her pictures from her iPhone it also created the 20150929_085314/ folder. this was all done through iPhone WD App.

Hope this makes sense.

Thank you for the link. I will try to connect through SSH tonight and see if I can remove those folder that way.