Mr. Smyth / Joey / Sir-
I received an email today 2024-JAN-10, from you, asking for WHERE to get the FIRMWARE to fix your WD TV Live that you accidentally bricked.
I tried to respond to you on the WD site, and; it responded with what you see below in the screen shots. So, I am trying to REPLY to you directly here.
This is a WEB PAGE of instructions to “downgrade” from 2.02.32 to 2.01.86 (the version I use). It is no different for a BRICKED device. You follow the same steps.
There are 2-useful links for you, the FIRST is how to “downgrade” from 2.02.32 ( a horrible version ) to 2.01.86 ( the version I USE ). The second link is the ZIP FILE archive you need to perform the FIRMWARE installation.
I’ve done this several times myself - on a DOZEN WD-TV Live Gen3 devices. So, if you need some guidance, please do ASK ME, I will try to help you. My personal email is: roger.mukai (at) gmail
WD instructions link:
Firmware for 2.01.86 version download zip file:
You will need:
A FAT32 formatted USB stick, a 16-or-32-GB will do.
And, a PAPERCLIP, to press the RESET BUTTON on the bottom of the device. You must push the clip into the little hole - WHILE it is booting, in order to START the UPGRADE process.
And, it is SLOW to respond. I always have to say to myself,
“Wait for it …” Some pauses are as long as 1-full minute!
Be sure to do the HARD RESET step, because; you want it to use a USB stick and NOT the internet to perform the recovery. I’ve found that it can get STUCK trying to connect. The hard reset helps prevent that issue.
If you need help, I will be happy to try and help you.
BEST of luck to you SIR and GOD BLESS.
Roger Mukai