I cannot see the creation date of the photos I have uploaded to My Cloud

Hello everybody!

I am using My Cloud since half a year where I stored a lot of photos and other files. I realised now that I cannot see the original creation date of the photos (the date the pictures where taken) but only the date when I uploaded them to My Cloud.

Could someone help me with the subject?

Thanks in advance for your support!

Best wishes,


Welcome to the Community.

Can you see that information if you copy the files back to your computer?

I just did a try with copy paste, the information is still there…

Strange is that the information is only shown on the computer when I put my mouse on the icon but not under Properties…

I just saw, I can see the date when the foto was done when using Windows Explorer with the detailed view of files.

Is there any other way to see this information within the Mobile App?