hulu plus videos not using the right aspect ratio on a 4:3 tv
Were you able to fix the Aspect ratio issue?
no its most noticable on old 4:3 video their are black bars on left and right and it is set too normal in audio/video setings
I had the same issue. What I did is to fix is go into the setting menu/ go to video, change the aspect ratio to widescreen, exit out of the menu, then go back and change it to full screen.
problem goes away.
Didnt help also i done a reset still isnt right
I’m also having this problem with Hulu Plus. Widescreen videos play with the correct AR, but fullscreen videos get squished by black letterboxes on the left and right. I tried (repeatedly) the troubleshooting suggestion mentioned above, but the problem persists.
So you’re playing 4:3 videos on a 16:9 and seeing Pillars? Isn’t that correct behavior? Or is it that the pillars are too big?
NO we are playing 4:3 videos on a 4:3 tv and seing the picture squished and black bars on the left and right