How do I format my g drive usb for windows?

I have bounced around the web trying to get instructions for formatting this portable drive for windows. Have failed. Asking here.

Hello Jane,

We have extensive directions on our website here: Format for both Mac & Windows

This will help you format the drive for exFAT so that it can be used on both platforms.

OK. I’m not very computer savvy, so I want to ask some specific directions. Once I get into the disk management screen (list of disks and a few other things), I then am supposed to have a screen that mimics the unlabeled step 5, which has "Programs (1)

Files (708)







etc. I do not get this screen when I type cmd into the command prompt window. Instead I get a black screen like in step 6, which reads "C:\Users\Jenny rather than C:\Window\system32>diskpart. Obviously I’m doing something wrong from the beginning. What do I need to do to fix this, so I can continue reformatting this external hard drive?

This seems to be a real trap for the uninitiated. I should say that I never do find the “computer” place. Instead, I fnd PC, which I right click, then left click management, then select disk management. Tht is when I do not get the screen depicted with the "Programs


files etc" So now I’m at the C:\Users\Jenny ratherthan the C:\Window\system32> prompt

Please help me

They are the same, but each version of Windows has changed the wording of the processes slightly.

In your case since you are on Windows 10 they renamed Computer to This PC.

Once you get to the Command Prompt type in ‘diskpart’ and hit enter. That will take you to the Diskpart application, your computer might ask if you are sure you want to make changes. Click Continue when prompted and you can then use the diskpart commands.

After you have found which Disk # the drive was from the Disk Management screen you then type in ‘select disk x’ where x is the disk #. After you have it selected you then type ‘clean’.

Once that is completed you can close the Command Prompt windows and continue the process in Disk Management of initializing and formatting the drive.

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