HD TV Live and ReadyNAS NV+ issue (doesn't display folder arrangement)

Hi all,

I have found running media files through my recently purchased nas they work fine, but they are not in the folders designated by windows explorer.

My nas has two hard discs in, but you can only view some files if you go “all videos” which in turn adds files from both hard discs in the one folder; this makes finding anything specific near on impossible…

Has anyone had these issues?

Also, sorry if everyone asks it :O, but are there are concrete rumours of movie sheets/movie info being natively incorperated in future firmware?

Thanks in advance!


How are you connecting to your ReadyNAS from your WDTV Live (Network Shares or Media Servers)?

Sounds very much like Media Servers (i.e. 'all videos"), in which case what you see on the WDTV Live is controlled by the media server software on the ReadyNAS. If I remember correctly for the ReadyDLNA server (aka. MiniDLNA) there should be two content directory options for videos- All Videos and Folder. Choose the Folder option.

Hmm well I checked out it again. Media servers (white hard disc) shows all the videos, while the Network Shares, when inside HD TV LIVE claims there to be no media in there? 

UPnP and DNLA is enabled on the NAS. Odd.

But when I do check the Media Servers, It comes up with an option Music, Picture and Video and Browse Folders.

If I choose Video (only on one hard disc) it displays the video files from both?

I’m somewhat confused.

I also check the All videos and Folder idea you presented. No luck there either as I alreay had it selected to just display Video out of the three media folders…?!

Thanks though Parnott!

Any other ideas? :) 

Well seems it isn’t just the WD now, the PS3 also shows the same folder structure. 

Must be a NAS setting…?!