Has anyone every gotten MyCloud to work with Windows 10?

I have spent literally days trying to simply gain access to my MyCloud device. I have read all the crappy, nearly undecipherable “help” pages I can find. I have tried to find anything of actual value on these pages. I have spent many hours on WD chatlines as agent after agent seems to guess about what to try next without one ever actually finding a way to access the drive. At this point, I have a 6 TB boat anchor and am convinced that WD is simply lying and stalling to keep from admitting that their device is a POS. But I would love to find I was wrong and that this device actually had some value.

@jmgolio Both of my WD MY CLOUDS work with Windows 10 Version 2004. I have a 1st and a 2nd generation.

My devices showing on my network. Click on, tap or activate image to enlarge it.

What is your specific problem? Have you enabled SMB1.0/CIFS in Windows 10?

How to Enable SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support on Windows 10

Microsoft disables SMB1.0 on new Windows installs and through updates in the past.

No problem using Windows 10 since it’s first release with a single bay My Cloud so long as SMB1.0 is enabled. The Windows Network Type is set to Private. And Microsoft doesn’t break things with updates.

I have enabled SMB1.0. And I do get a nice picture shown under “storage devices” in my device listings. The picture indicates “WDMyCloud” as that storage device. But I am unable to read or write any files or folders to the device. Nothing happens when I try to place a file on the drive.

So while I have an indication that the drive is being communicated with, the picture and listing don’t really help me at all.

Try mapping the device. This will give it a drive letter. You can use the browse option to find the disk.

How are you or how do you “read or write” to your My Cloud?
What program or software are you using to “place a file on the drive”?

In a recent Microsoft Windows 10 update I’ve noticed on one computer that I can no longer drag and drop files in Windows File Explorer to my NAS drives including the My Cloud. I have to Copy and Paste the files instead.

As a troubleshooting step try copy and pasting the files to the My Cloud.

Of course this all assumes one has properly configured their My Cloud. If using Private Shares on the My Cloud one will need to ensure they are using a User (create through the My Cloud Dashboard) that has Full Access to the Private Share.

And as a side note. Just to make sure, we are talking about the My Cloud and NOT the My Cloud Home right? The My Cloud Home is a completely different device, with a different operating system (no Dashboard for example) and different options/features than the My Cloud line has.

Western Digital has chosen to no longer support WD Cloud for NAS personal; my cloud login never works despite reinstalling the software. How kind and courteous of WD to no longer support this issue with Win 10 and just archive the support. Lesson well learned: Terra Master works!! my NAS works all the time and they support till the issue is resolved unlike WD. I will never purchase any WD product ever again.

What software are you using where you are seeing the; “my cloud login never works”? The My Cloud Desktop program? The My Cloud Desktop program has been End of Life since 2016. With firmware updates to the single bay My Cloud starting last year, this program no longer functions to access the My Cloud. For local network access one uses Windows File Explorer or Mac Finder or a File Manager for Android/iOS. For remote access one uses MyCloud.com, WD mobile app for Android/iOS, or insecure FTP. One never needed the Desktop app to access the My Cloud on a local network anyway.

My Cloud Desktop App No Longer Works with a My Cloud or Login Not Authorized

The single bay/single drive My Cloud work with Windows 10 when both are on the same local network. When it doesn’t the problem is almost always a problem with Windows itself. In some rare cases its a problem with the network configuration. From; not having SMB1.0/CIFS enabled, to using two or more User names to access an NAS box, to having the Network Type set to Public not Private, to having third party security software installed that blocks access to the My Cloud, to Microsoft pushing an update that broke access to all NAS devices all of these are Windows issues. Quite often the problems on Windows that block access to the My Cloud affect all NAS boxes not just the My Cloud.

The single bay My Cloud has its numerous problems/issues, mostly with firmware, to be sure (of which many of us have complained about - repeatedly) but WD doesn’t deserve the blame in more than a few cases when it comes to problems specific to Windows 10 and the changes Microsoft makes to Windows 10 that breaks access to NAS boxes.

Windows 10 uses a protocol for discovery of services - WS-Discovery - that is not supported by Linux or MacOS, so if you want it on MyCloud Gen.1 you may have to install your own.
Gen.1 runs python 2.7.3, so this WSDiscovery · PyPI may work - YMMV.

You just answered your own questions; the logon screen does not allow any data to be typed which is a very similar complaint based on the dozens of similar postings. But my issue has been resolved: trashed my NAS box and replaced it with a NAS that actually works and not abandoned like WD.

So you were using the My Cloud Desktop program? That program is absolutely not needed and never has been needed for local network access to the My Cloud. All one needs is Windows File Explorer (if using Windows). The WD Desktop app/program was good for remote access to the My Cloud. But like it or not support for it was ended four years ago by WD.

While I’ve relegated the single bay My Cloud to backup status having moved to Synology, The My Cloud continues to operate, for local network access, just fine under Windows 10.