I bought the mycloud 2tb storage 3 years ago and it failed today. I can not connect this device to my network. I tried different ethernet cables and resetting 40 seconds, but still no go. The network light will flash once when power back on then after few second it will go off as if there is no network connected. The front power light is solid yellow. I am not sure what to do now, but I have some really important files that i need to recover. I took the hard drive out and attached it to my external usb hard drive, however I cant see any files in my windows 10. I saw 6 different folders instead. I read some where here that this is due to linux files format. I am completely noob to linux. Please help. Is there any tutorial? I watched some youtube video but when I mount the drive it says must specify the filesystem type…I am so lost.
Also, if I buy another WDMYCLOUD device and swap out with my current hard drive, will it work? I really need to access my files…
Symptoms suggest a failure of the network connection; the Ethernet port on MyCloud, or Ethernet port on router, or Ethernet cable. Try a different router port, and a different cable. If neither of those helps, recover the data:
A MyCloud you buy today will get a Gen2 hardware, with v2 firmware. Your three-year-old device will be Gen 1 hardware and v3 or v4 firmware, and will not work with the new hardware.
Thanks, so I connected my drive through sata and using paragon software, however I am getting insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service when opening files or transferring file. Any idea how to deal with this…I feel so bad not for not backing up my files. All my family photos from ages ago are in there…
I see all the folders, cant open the folder to see the files and will get nsufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service. Also I am copying this to my other network drive which as 2 TB of free space. Is MyCloud disk corrupt?
The insufficient resources sounds like an issue with the Paragon s/w. A feeling; not a definite statement.
Why so difficult? Well, the MyCloud is a linux box, so it uses a linux file system, ext3/ext4. Therefore it’s not straightforward on a PC. It ought to be easier on a native Linux box. As for why WD used linux, you’d have to ask them, but my guess would be that linux/extfs is free, whereas windows server/NTFS is not. You might also ask yourself why you did not have a backup; HDDs can fail at any time and need to be backed up as soon as you put irreplaceable primary data on them.
Is the disk corrupt? I’ll consult my remote diagnostic tool (my crystal ball)… Sorry; I have no way of knowing. If Paragon can’t read it, maybe try a Linux LiveCD to run Linux on your PC, and then try file recovery s/w (photorec?).
Ok, so I tried the live ubuntu usb option. I did see the mydisk drive, however cant mount this for some reason, i am getting “wrong fs type bad option bad superblock…” All I did was clicking on the drive folder from ubuntu’s side panel…what am i missing here…
I GOT IT TO WORK!!! Thanks man, your life saver! So I ended installing Ubuntu on my old computer then connect through sata, now copying everything to ubuntu desktop works. I ordered the 5tb seagate backup drive and will start making the back soon. Anyway, thanks!
Well, I think you’ve done all the hard work; I’ve just given you a couple of pointers…
Now you have an Ubuntu installation to play with, too…
Once you have the data backed u, it may be worth trying the disk back in the MyCloud; the fact that you’ve had trouble accessing the disk suggests there may have been something amiss, and the multiple mount attempts may have invoked fsck to fix it; I’m not familiar enough with linux mount to know if it does that.
Are you to format this drive? Since the network failed on MyCloud I have no intention of using this anymore. I am thinking to use this as another drive directly in my pc after I get all my files out.
My point was that it may NOT have been a network failure, so it MAY be worth trying the HDD back in the enclosure, now that the file system appears to be accessible again; it may have been a file system error, not a network error.
If it then proves to still be a network problem, by all means format the HDD; it’s just a standard SATA drive, albeit configured for NAS use.
Is this a gen1 system? Since he states that he got it three years ago. I assume it is a gen1. The ledConfig.sh file does not contain a solid yellow code. It shows that code 5,12 are yellow and blink. But I know that a solid yellow light does show up on a gen1 system since mine did it the other day. Code 5 is for network problem. Code 12 is for degraded_MIR problem. Which I think is raid problems.
For errors 5 and 12 are blink yellow. For warnings 5,8,12 are blink yellow. For error code 8 is red solid. Code 8 is for temperature problem.
Can’t find anywhere that a solid yellow would occur. I just pulled the network cable on my gen1 and the led changed to blinking yellow. Later I noticed I received an email saying the network had a problem.
I recently had a blinking yellow condition on my gen1. When I pressed the reset button for 4 seconds many times and nothing happened. I could ping the gen1 and it would respond. I could not SSH FTP or by any other means that I knew talk to the gen1. Also the disk would not map on my windows 10 system. The link light was solid green and the activity light blinked now and then. I finally ended up doing a 40 second reset which worked. After the restore I checked the /var/log folder and most of the logs were still available. But the old WD* logs were removed. Too bad because the other codes generate an alert message. Which should have shown up in the /var/log/wdalerts.log. Also today I looked into the user guide and the one from 2013 showed what the yellow led meant. But the latest user guide from 2015 does not mention a yellow led.
Before declaring the network port dead on the My Cloud; have you tried connecting the My Cloud direct to your PC’s networking port, or connect the My Cloud to a switch/hub that is in turn connected to the router?
Wen you say dead. Do you mean that there are no lights on the back of the gen1? Still don’t know what would cause a solid yellow led. According to the ledConfig.h file only yellow blink is defined.
Well here is the thing, my internect is working, my ethernet cable is working, but when all connected, the network light on on both mycloud and router ethernet port ddoesnt light up and cant be find on the network. Howerver the power is definitely in since there is yellow or tail yellow light. I dont know too much on the message or the ledConfig, but I can ensure the ethernet port on the mycloud is not work or like I said DEAD.
Did you try the 40 second reset? To do the 40 second reset. Unplug the Gen1 then press the reset button and apply power while still holding the reset button. After 40 seconds release the reset button and the Gen1 should do a factory restore. All of your files will still be on the drive. But you will have to go thru another setup like you did when you got the unit.
Just want to verify. You pulled power. Pressed the reset button. While holding the reset button. Applied power while holding the reset button. 40 seconds after applying the power and holding the reset button. Then release the reset button. If this is what you did
then I have no idea what the problem may be.
One other thing you could try is look at the lights on the back of the gen1. When you unplug the network and plug it back in what do the lights on the back of the gen1 do?
If the upper light on the back blinks then it is trying to talk to the router.