GREEN Light and VERY slow to log into UI

As the subject line says…

Updated my firmware to  MyBookLive 02.10.12-129 : Core F/W  and now im stuck on an amber solid light.  The UI is VERY slow to respond, but does load up the screen.  somewhere between 30seconds to 2 minutes to bring up another tab or screen.  Streaming files or writing to disk is at about 10 Mb/s which is good.  I tried a quick restore to no avail, a factory restore which took forever, and then it came to the reboot stage and hangs.  Im gonna try another factory restore and see. 

I also noticed that streaming a movie it would cut off randomly.  half way through the movie and i would need to close and open again, almost as if the drive decided to unmount after X minutes.

Side note: Is there a way to simply use this drive as a external NAS drive, without any UI, no twonky service, no itunes nonscence, no WD2GO? Like a clean format with removing im assuming the partition where all the UI junk and programs are stored?

Any help would be appreciated.  THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!


Also, does anyone know of any VERY STABLE FIRMWARE releases or custom firmare and where I can download it?  I looked on the WD website but they only have the newest firmware available for download.  

EDIT:  Turns out the light is now GREEN solid.  Still long load for UI

Try the following.  You may need patience for this…

I am assuming you have not changed the network name of your MyBook Live so.

From here on you have to be careful what you do!

  • Issue the command: cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.orig
  • Issue the command:  nano /etc/hosts

Two options:

  1. If you see the name of your MyBook Live on the end of the first line then change norhing, press and hold CTRL , press X and release both keys.
  2. If you DO NOT see the name of your MyBook Live on the end of the first line then move the cursor using the keyboard to the end of the first line. Insert one space. Type the network name of your MyBook Live at the end which if not changed would be: mybooklive , press and hold CTRL , press X and release both keys, Press Y , Press the enter key or carridge return key without changeing the name of the file.
  • Press and hold CTRL , press X and release both keys.

Now try and access the Web UI.

Do not have your MyBook Live accessible to the Internet through the router’s DMZ facility and do not forward port 22 out to the Internet!

See what happens. If you have any questions about this, just ask before diving in and doing.


This worked perfectly for me, thanks! The UI is now much, much faster (almost instant, instead of having to wait 15-30 secs for every page load).

Glad it’s worked for you.  :smiley:

When you have a chance mark my answer an the accepted answer.  I’ll make it easier for others fo find this thread if they have a similar problem.

Worked great for me too, thanks! :smiley:

Thanks Myron,

I register this account, just to say thank you.

Your solution works perfectly for my deadly UI. The team should recruit you…

To Myron,

Please write a post titled as “Solution to Dead UI”

It took me 2 days to find this solution.

Myron wrote:

Try the following.  You may need patience for this…


I am assuming you have not changed the network name of your MyBook Live so.


From here on you have to be careful what you do!


  • Issue the command: cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.orig
  • Issue the command:  nano /etc/hosts

Two options:

  1. If you see the name of your MyBook Live on the end of the first line then change norhing, press and hold CTRL , press X and release both keys.
  2. If you DO NOT see the name of your MyBook Live on the end of the first line then move the cursor using the keyboard to the end of the first line. Insert one space. Type the network name of your MyBook Live at the end which if not changed would be: mybooklive , press and hold CTRL , press X and release both keys, Press Y , Press the enter key or carridge return key without changeing the name of the file.
  • Press and hold CTRL , press X and release both keys.

Now try and access the Web UI.


Do not have your MyBook Live accessible to the Internet through the router’s DMZ facility and do not forward port 22 out to the Internet!


See what happens. If you have any questions about this, just ask before diving in and doing.

But this is not a “Dead UI”. This is a solution to a very slow UI and the subject is already quite appropriate. When I first scanned the subjects on this forum, “GREEN Light and VERY slow to log into UI” got me by the shoulders and shook me.  :wink: