I need to reset my password. Please confirm that holding the reset button for 20 seconds resets the password to admin and DOESN’T delete the files or formats the drive. Thanks very much. Have learnt an important lesson - always write down the password!
Hello there,
If you press the reset button for 3 to 5 seconds the password will be reset and no data will be erased from the unit. The only way to delete data is by doing a factory restore, and this is done from the dashboard. Hope this helps you out.
Just for confirmation, also check the manual.
Thanks for the response. Regards, Chris
Hi Shabuboy. Thanks for your response. I’ve looked in the manual and it only talks about using, changing and removing passwords. I guess we are not supposed to forget passwords! Regards, Chris
Look at the reset options, not passwords. It will tell you exactly what will happen with a reset vs a factory restore