Flashing yellow light on My Cloud

I have seen this question many times but seems like the answers are always temp issue or network port issue. My Cloud used to work fine. It hasn’t been working the past 6 months and haven’t dug in but it seems to be flashing yellow light now.

The one thing I changed was moving from Comcast cable model device to an AT&T router device as I switched service. I have tried powering down, resetting with hole in the back, etc. etc.

Still doing the same thing and not recognizing the device when trying to Connect using the WD My Cloud access software.

Anyone have a recommended sequence of resolving as I have tried the most obvious things including powering down and device reset using hole in back? Is there a more extreme device reset or update I can do?


Known to be incompatible with MyCloud. Search for ‘at&t’ in the forum. Put a switch between router and MyCloud.

Known issue with certain AT&T Uverse routers and the My Cloud. See the following WD Support Knowledgebase article. The workaround is to use a switch between the My Cloud and AT&T supplied router.


Thanks cpt_paranoia.

One additional question. My Cloud device flashes yellow even when no ethernet cable is connected to it and only the power is connected. Is this normal as I am hesitant to purchase a switch if there could be an issue with router.

Thanks again for the help :wink:


Thanks Bennor, appreciate you sharing the article.

I wanted to ask one additional question. Should the My Cloud device be flashing yellow even if the ethernet cable is not connected? When I power down and power back on with only a power cable, no Ethernet cable, it is still flashing yellow so wanted to confirm before investing in a router.


Yes; that’s what flashing yellow means: no ethernet connection. Download and read the user manual for details of the LED status indications.

The incompatibility between AT&T router and MyCloud manifests itself as there appearing to be no network connection.

Borrow a switch. Reconfigure your old router to operate as a switch. These will tell you if the known problem is the problem you are having, and a switch will solve it. If it does, buy a switch. You can get them for about $10-$20.

Oh, and complain to AT&T, just so they know yet another of their customers is being inconvenienced by their defective router. They won’t do anything about it, though.

Thanks again. I borrowed a Netgear switch and it is working fine. Backup in progress again :wink: