Factory Reset - No boot when Network is plugged in, without network, boots ok

Kind of,

It has something to do with DNS, if you put in a bogus DNS server, it will come up. From a traffic capture, it looks like it tried to register itself to a url that is no longer valid.

That’s about as far as I have gotten. It seems to query http://www.wd.com/wdtvlivehub, and looking specifically for a SRV (WDTVLiveHub.wd.com:445 0 0) records for WDTVLiveHub. It never finds these.

It does hit up wd2go.com, and appears to be looking for something else as well, (which goes to AWS)

If anyone has any ideas how to get past this, that would be great.

For kicks, I did open up a ticket with WD support, however I expect them to close it without doing much.

My guess is, this is an unexpected bug, which I hope they have a workaround for, or a quick fix.