Estimate read/write speed?

Visionofyou wrote:

I have a recent Mac (2012) and have 24 Gig of Ram, I have a gigabit router and so far it has has taken a week of continually being connected to transfer 867 gig of data…it is that slow it is painful…to be honest I would look elsewhere if you want fast data transfer as you are not going to get it on this drive!


The network speed that you are getting, which is really slow, has nothing to do with the MyCloud device. Although the device may have many flaws, network speeds is not one of the flaws. This is like saying my porshe (well maybe a smart car) can’t go faster the 20mph in a school zone, so don’t get this car.

For anyone reading this… rest assure that your MyCloud is fast on a gigabit network. If you are having network speed problems, this is a factor of your network, your router, your WIFI, your computer and everything else except the MyCloud. In other words, you will get the same network performance problems whether you bought a QNap, Seagate etc.

for more references see

before you pack up your WD and return it, let’s talk about Copying Speeds!

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