Error when I choose "copy" from SD card Internal server error. Retry your last operation. If the error persists, contact WD Support for assistance. (310021)

I am trying to back up (fully copy all SD card files) to My passport wireless. I inserted the card, connect to to my passport wireless through Wi-Fi, and when I click on “copy now” it shows this message:

            Internal server error. Retry your last operation. If the error persists, contact WD Support for assistance. (310021).

Has anyone encountered the same problem? is there a way to copy sd card fiels to MPW through USB cable?

the MPW says that the SD card is 95% full, or used, but that is not
true! when I connect it to my phone it shows me that there is a plenty
of space! Is there a certain limit on how many GBs MPW can read?

My SD card is a 128 GB.

Put your SD card in a computer and perform a file system integrity check on its file system. On Windows the command and CHKDSK or in the tools tab for the drive’s properties.

I’m making a guess that there is an inconsistency with the file system on the SD card you’re using. Does this happen on every SD card or just that one card?

I’m mentioning this because not too long ago I had a problem where a NAS I have would not recognise a USB flash drive. an integrity check revealed faults and fixed those faults. After that the NAS recognised the USB flash drive.

I am using a macbook pro, not a windows. I don’t have other SD cards so I don’t know it if it is only this SD card.

Is there a way to perform the check on Mac?
if I connect it the WD wireless through USB while the SD card inserted shouldn’t I be able to see the files on the SD card?

and I don’t have an SD card reader too.

Ok. Some stuff I won’t be able to help you with because I know next to zero about Apple stuff. On your SD card, are there any files that are 4Gb in size or greater?

The copy of the SD card to the MPW’s internal drive is handled within the MPW so it makes no difference what computer is wirelessly connected to it. Actually, you can set the copy/move option to auto so as soon as the SD card is inserted the MPW will simply copy/move files and folders on it’s own and indicate on it’s status LED when it’s done.

If you insert an SD card, yes, you should be able to see the contents of the card, but the SD card will appear as a network share. Try access the MPW using the SMB protocol and not Apple file-system protocol.