I’m testing a my passport I bought today. I took a couple of photos, took the sd card out of the camera and put it in the MPW, as I had set it to copy on insert four files copied over, two raw two jpg.
Then I put the sd card back in the camera and repeated the excercise. However, the new files will not copy over, automatically or manually through the my cloud app.
I reset the drive to factory defaults to see if that would help.
This deleted a load of files from the drive. Not only mine (as expected) but all the files and folders that were on there when I first booted the drive, I assumed these were sample files. I’m not fussed I happy they are gone.
I inserted the card and it successfully copied again. Took it out snapped a couple of shots and it wouldn’t copy these images, I got the same error as above.
So I tested a different (brand new) card got the error the first time I inserted it but managed to get files copied. Tested it in the same way, no problems.
This proved my first card was the problem. I formatted it in the camera and now everything seems to be working correctly.
Thanks for your help earlier.
Edit: the last successful import now correctly displays today’s date.