Internal server error while transfering with compatible sd card

I have a My passport wireless first gen with last firmware update.

I have some issues while saving some files from sd card to hdd.
The folder with the card name is created under “Sd card imports” but empty ( no sub folders, nothing)
I get an error from the dash saying “server internal error”.

Those cards are lexar sdhc 32go which are in the compatible list.

I tried several tests with different file format on those sd cards without any results.

The only thing that seems different is the sd card folder name created on the passport hdd. It has an $ caracter in the name.

Is this caracter not compatible ?

I had read somewhere that the folders are named after the sd card uuid but the uuid from my cards do not march the folder names.

Someone knows with what kind of datas are made the folder names and if have some $ is the reason for my pb


Hi mlecuni,

Maybe you should try contacting WD’s Technical Support about this.

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